Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.3.5

CernVMV-FS 2.3.5 is a patch release containing bugfixes and adjustments necessary for smooth operation. Please note that version 2.3.4 was tagged but unreleased.

As with previous releases, upgrading clients should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 1 servers, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade.

For Release Manager Machines, all transactions must be closed before upgrading.

Note: On EL 7, Fedora, and SLES12, the cvmfs package installs a systemd patch configuration under /usr/lib/systemd/system/autofs.service.d/50-cvmfs.conf in order to work around an upstream bug (CVM-1200).

Note for upgrades from versions prior to 2.3.3: please also see the specific instructions in the release notes for version 2.3.3 and earlier.

Bug Fixes

  • Client: work around EL 7 bug that can kill cvmfs fuse mount points on systemctl restart autofs (CVM-1200)
  • Client: fix getting the rawlink extended attribute
  • Client: remove corrupted empty files from cache during recovery of the cache database after worker node crash (CVM-1113)
  • Server: fix automatic tag cleanup for repositories with large tag lists (CVM-1198)
  • Server: fix stratum 0 /etc/fstab migration from versions < 2.1.20 (CVM-1182)
  • Server: allow for keys directory in addition to specific public key list for stratum 1 repositories (CVM-985)
  • Server: improve snapshot logging for repositories with large tag lists (CVM-1021)

Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.3.3

CernVMV-FS 2.3.3 is a hotpatch release containing bugfixes and adjustments necessary for smooth operation.

As with previous releases, upgrading clients should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

Note for mac OS 10.12 Sierra: Please use FUSE for macOS 3.5.2 or newer, which fixes stuck Fuse mountpoints on Sierra.

For Stratum 1 servers, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade.

For Release Manager Machines, all transactions must be closed before upgrading.

For both Release Manager Machines and Stratum 1 servers, after the software upgrade, the directory layout on the release manager needs to be slightly adjusted by a call to cvmfs_server migrate for each repository. If the configuration of the server is handled by a configuration management system (Puppet, Chef, ...), please see Section Manual Migration from 2.3.2 Release Manager Machines and Stratum 1s.

Note for upgrades from versions prior to 2.3.2: please also see the specific instructions in the release notes for version 2.3.2.

Bug Fixes

  • Client: perform host failover when receiving corrupted data from stratum 1 (CVM-478)
  • Client: add support for CVMFS_CONFIG_REPO_REQUIRED option (CVM-1111)
  • Client: add support for cvmfs_talk external host switch (CVM-1126)
  • Client: fix cvmfs_config on EL7 if working directory is /usr/bin (CVM-1118)
  • Client: fix crash when cvmfs_talk cleanup rate is called without an argument
  • Client: fix misleading cache cleanup log message (CVM-1128)
  • Client: fix output of cvmfs_config umount on failures
  • Server: accept OverlayFS / ext4 on RHEL >= 7.3 (CVM-835)
  • Server: fix potential deadlock when uploading catalogs (CVM-1165)
  • Server: fix asynchronous cleanup with open file descriptors on some aufs versions
  • Server: prevent garbage collection from running at the same time as snapshot (CVM-1108)
  • Server: don’t ignore stale locks when publishing (CVM-1146)
  • Server: increase robustness when fetching reflog and checksum (CVM-1114, CVM-1124)
  • Server: fix history file leak on automatic removal of generic tags
  • Server: fix migration of server info JSON files (CVM-1159)
  • Server: fix cvmfs_server resign if CVMFS_HASH_ALGORITHM is unset (CVM-1013)
  • Server: fix selecting repositories by wildcard (CVM-1151)
  • Server: compact reflog after garbage collection (CVM-1162)
  • Server: add .cvmfs_status file for stratum 1 monitoring (CVM-1107)
  • Preloader: fix application of dirtab for nested catalogs
  • Fixes for macOS 10.12 Sierra (CVM-1084)
  • Fix building on EL 7.3 (CVM-1153)

Release Manager Machines on EL 7

As of RHEL 7.3, the overlayfs implementation shipped with the Red Hat kernel passes the CernVM-FS integration tests provided that /var/spool/cvmfs is served by an ext4 file system. In this case, the cvmfs_server mkfs command does not prevent anymore creation of new repositories. Reportedly, the overlayfs implementation also works if /var/spool/cvmfs is on an xfs partition that was created with the ftype=1 option. This has not yet been verified by integration tests. Users can export CVMFS_DONT_CHECK_OVERLAYFS_VERSION=yes in order to force the creation of a repository.

Manual Migration from 2.3.2 Release Manager Machines and Stratum 1s

Repositories on release manager machines and Stratum 1 servers can be migrated from version 2.3.2 with the following steps. Earlier version require additional migration to 2.3.2 first.

  1. Ensure that there are no open transactions and no running snapshots before updating the server software.
  2. Install the cvmfs-server 2.3.3 package.
  3. Ensure that the /srv/cvmfs/info/v1/meta.json and /srv/cvmfs/info/v1/repositories.json files exist and are being served by the Stratum 0/1 (see Section CernVM-FS Server Meta Information).

The following step has to be done for all repositories on the server:

  1. Update /etc/cvmfs/repositories.d/<REPOSITORY>/server.conf and set CVMFS_CREATOR_VERSION=2.3.3-1

In agreement with the repository owner, it’s recommended for stratum 0 servers to make a test publish

cvmfs_server transaction <REPOSITORY>
cvmfs_server publish <REPOSITORY>

before resuming normal operation.

Release Notes for CernVM-FS 2.3.2

CernVM-FS 2.3 comes with performance improvements and several new features and bugfixes. We would like to thank Dave Dykstra (FNAL), Brian Bockelman (U. Nebraska) and David Abdurachmanov (CERN/CMS) for their contributions to this release!

Substantial improvements in this release are:

  • A plugin interface for client-side authorization helpers (see Section Authorization Helpers for details).
  • Reworked data structures for garbage-collectable repositories. Stratum 0 and Stratum 1 servers now keep independent “reference logs” for the objects in their respective storage. That improves the robustness of replicated, garbage-collected repositories in a number of corner cases. The transition to the new data structures takes place automatically on the first GC run after the software upgrade.
  • Official support for manually triggered garbage collection with cvmfs_server gc.
  • Possibility to automatically cleanup older repository tags. The new server-side parameter CVMFS_AUTO_TAG_TIMESPAN can be used to control the life time of automatically created repository tags (CVM-982)
  • For the S3 storage backend: removal of the bucket number in the bucket name if only a single bucket is used.
  • Performance improvements and reduced memory footprint for client and server.
  • New platforms: Fedora 24 on x86_64, SLES 12 on x86_64, CentOS 7 on AArch64

As with previous releases, upgrading should be seamless just by installing the new package from the repository. As usual, we recommend to update only a few worker nodes first and gradually ramp up once the new version proves to work correctly. Please take special care when upgrading a cvmfs client in NFS mode.

For Stratum 0 servers, all transactions must be closed before upgrading. After the software upgrade, the directory layout on the release manager needs to be adjusted by a call to cvmfs_server migrate for each repository.

Note: if the configuration of the Stratum 0 server is handled by a configuration management system (Puppet, Chef, ...), please see Section Manual Migration from 2.2 Release Manager Machines.

Note for garbage collectable repositories: For garbage collected repositories on Stratum 0 and Stratum 1 servers, please run cvmfs_server gc manually once after the software update. The automatic garbage collection will not work until the manual garbage collection run.

For Stratum 1 server, there should be no running snapshots during the upgrade.

Please find below the list of bugfixes and smaller improvements.

Bug Fixes

  • Client: fix rare corruption on NFS maps during mount / reload
  • Client: fix mount -t cvmfs -o remount ... (CVM-1068)
  • Client: fix potential null pointer dereference for authz extended attribute
  • Client: fix segfault in debug logging of certain download failures (CVM-1076)
  • Client: fix a few small memory leaks during cvmfs_config reload
  • Client: gracefully deal with proxies without http:// prefix (CVM-1045)
  • Client: fix up cvmfs_talk external ... commands (CVM-981)
  • Client: prevent fallback proxies from interfering with external data (CVM-1058)
  • Server: clean environment before calling cvmfs_suid_helper
  • Server: fix a rare crash when parsing the whitelist
  • Server: fix crash when publishing a symlink to a recreated directory
  • Server: fix lookup of sbin binaries in the cvmfs_server script
  • Server: fix publishing of auto catalog markers (CVM-1079)
  • Server: fix false warning on graft files when removing trees on overlayfs (CVM-932)
  • Server: fix lsof report in cvmfs_server on newer Linux distributions
  • Server: fix error reporting when downloading replication sentinal file (CVM-1078)
  • Server: prevent cvmfs_server migrate on a repository that is in a transaction
  • Server: reset file capabilities of cvmfs_swissknife on package update (CVM-1038)


  • Client: add support for a default.conf in the config repository (CVM-993)
  • Client: improve debuggability with Valgrind
  • Server: add help text for cvmfs_server mount command (CVM-996)
  • Server: Warn before forcfully remounting the file system stack, new parameter CVMFS_FORCE_REMOUNT_WARNING
  • Server: add support for cvmfs_server publish -f to force publishing in the presence of open file descriptors

Manual Migration from 2.2 Release Manager Machines

Release manager machines that maintain Stratum 0 repositories can be migrated from version 2.2 with the following steps:

  1. Ensure that there are no open transactions before updating the server software and during the repository layout migration.
  2. Install the cvmfs-server 2.3 package.

The following steps have to be performed for all repositories on the release manager machine:

  1. Unmount /cvmfs/<REPOSITORY>
  2. In /var/spool/cvmfs/<REPOSITORY>/scratch, create the subdirectories current and wastebin and make sure that they are owned by the user who owns the repository
  3. In /etc/fstab, update the aufs entry for /cvmfs/<REPOSITORY> such that the writable branch points to the new current subdirectory. A new, valid fstab entry could look like this one /cvmfs/ aufs br=/var/spool/cvmfs/,udba=none,ro,noauto 0 0
  1. Mount /cvmfs/<REPOSITORY>
  2. Update /etc/cvmfs/repositories.d/<REPOSITORY>/server.conf and set CVMFS_CREATOR_VERSION=2.3.0-1
  3. Only garbage collectable repositories: run cvmfs_server gc <REPOSITORY> in order to migrate internal data structures

In agreement with the repository owner, it’s recommended to make a test publish

cvmfs_server transaction <REPOSITORY>
cvmfs_server publish <REPOSITORY>

before resuming normal operation.